Harbormaster Training Certification Bill Passed
Congratulations to all who have worked so hard to get the Harbormaster Training Bill 509 passed – North Shore, South Shore, Cape & Islands and Anne Lynch and Associates. The bill was signed on December 23, 2008. Senate Bill No. 509 House – No. 4791
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Posted on December 23rd, 2008 by Administrator in North Shore
Abandoned vessels bill poised to become law
Kristen GriecoThe Gloucester Daily Times Published: February 05, 2008 12:49 am The lengthy legal process that marina owners are required to go through when they want to dispose of an abandoned vessel in their yard is about to get shorter, easier and cheaper. A bill easing the disposal of abandoned vessels, sponsored by Rep. Anthony […]
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Posted on February 6th, 2008 by Administrator in North Shore
Training Schedule 2007-2008
The Training Schedule for 2007-2008 is now posted. For the schedule, go here.
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Posted on January 25th, 2008 by Administrator in North Shore
Training Schedule 2006-2007
The Training Schedule for 2006-2007 is now posted. For the schedule, go here.
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Posted on December 3rd, 2006 by Administrator in North Shore
Stolen Jet Ski
Mr. Ryan Pepe, 144 Whitehall Rd., Amesbury, MA has reported a jet ski stolen from his home on/or about August 1, 2006. It is a 2001 Bombardier RXDI, 9 feet long, yellow on top with a black bottom having yellow letters. MS 4177 AE HIN ZZN60310B101 Please keep an eye out for this.
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Posted on August 4th, 2006 by Administrator in North Shore
1st meeting at Coast Guard Base winds up reorganizing MHA Parent Association
1st meeting at Coast Guard Base winds up reorganizing MHA Parent Association BOSTON – (12/12/05) The inaugural meeting to enjoin harbormasters in a new Massachusetts Harbormasters Association (MHA) has netted a balance between North Shore and South Shore interests with the Cape & Islands Chapter. Basically, the meeting chaired by MHA president Dave Fronzuto to […]
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Posted on December 13th, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore
Harbormaster Certification a Good Idea
Harbormaster certification a good idea Local harbormasters are all experienced and competent. But even some of them acknowledge they could use better, more unified training. A bill cosponsored by state Sen. Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, to establish uniform standards to certify harbormasters would do that. After a positive committee recommendation, it is expected to be taken […]
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Posted on August 5th, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore
Lawmakers propose mandatory certification for harbormasters
Those of us who have been involved in this know how poorly written this article is and how it fails to a recogize the countless Harbormasters who have completed this training and continue to participate in this training. Many at there own expense.
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Posted on August 3rd, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore
Town requests help in settling access dispute
Town requests help in settling access dispute Asks state to enforce its order opening Old Harbor walkway By Caroline Louise Cole, Globe Correspondent | July 31, 2005 Town officials have asked state environmental officials to weigh in on a dispute over access to Rockport’s Old Harbor and believe historic tidelands regulations will help them make […]
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Posted on July 31st, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore
Editorial: Control of mooring fees should stay local
Local governments ought to have the discretion to set their own fees. So waterfront communities in the region should applaud a move by state Sen. Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, to repeal a law that took that discretion away and gave it to the state. The law, passed last year, required coastal cities and towns to charge […]
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Posted on June 1st, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore