Harbormaster wanted for the Town of Marion
Harbormaster wanted for the Town of Marion, Massachusetts. Full-time, year-round Harbormaster, responsible for the safe and orderly use of Marion waters, including staff and budget management, environmental, search and rescue, mooring placement and assignment, shellfish management and enforcement. Independent and appropriate judgment essential. Reports to the Board of Selectmen under the direct supervision of the […]
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Posted on August 22nd, 2005 by Administrator in Uncategorized
Harbormaster Certification a Good Idea
Harbormaster certification a good idea Local harbormasters are all experienced and competent. But even some of them acknowledge they could use better, more unified training. A bill cosponsored by state Sen. Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, to establish uniform standards to certify harbormasters would do that. After a positive committee recommendation, it is expected to be taken […]
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Posted on August 5th, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore
Lawmakers propose mandatory certification for harbormasters
Those of us who have been involved in this know how poorly written this article is and how it fails to a recogize the countless Harbormasters who have completed this training and continue to participate in this training. Many at there own expense.
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Posted on August 3rd, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore