

Northshore Harbormasters Association News

Recreational Saltwater Fishing Permit

Recreational Saltwater Permit Comes to MassachusettsRegister federally in 2010, but purchase state permit in 2011.

New federal law [Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization of 2006, Saltwater Angler Registry Final RuleNOAA Fisheries] requires most saltwater recreational fishermen to be documented in 2010. Massachusetts fishermen will be required to register with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). However, recently enacted state law, “An Act Instituting Saltwater Fishing Licenses”, enables MarineFisheries to build and implement a permitting program for 2011 and beyond that will exempt the Commonwealth’s saltwater recreational anglers from the federal registry. The new state law triggers a transition from the federal registry in 2010 to the state’s marine recreational fishing permit program in 2011.

More information can be found here.

Posted on February 26th, 2010 by Administrator in Massachusetts