

Northshore Harbormasters Association News

2010 Scholarship Winner



The North Shore Harbormasters Association is proud to award its 2010 One-Thousand Dollar college scholarship to Benjamin Haden of Salem, Massachusetts. Benjamin will attend Kenyon College in the fall. The scholarship is presented annually to a student who pursues a marine related college curriculum and who has attained a superior high school record. Students eligible to compete for this highly competitive award come from all coastal communities comprising the North Shore Harbormasters Association membership extending from Winthrop to Salisbury. Pictured accepting the award are the recipient, Benjamin Haden, and presenters Marblehead Assistant Harbormaster Ray Gauthier on his left, Chairman of the scholarship committee, and Marblehead Harbormaster Charles Dalferro on his right, scholarship committee member.

Posted on June 13th, 2010 by Administrator in North Shore