Gloucester waters encompass over 50 miles of coastline. For simplification and the purpose of this program, the waters have been divided into five WATCH areas. These five areas consist of the greatest density of commercial and recreational boat activity. W - Outer Harbor has several major mooring areas used primarily by recreational boats. Eastern Point Yacht Club maintains a large mooring field just inside the Dog Bar breakwater. The City of Gloucester has 20 transient moorings in Southeast Harbor and many private moorings are situated around Ten Pound Island. Freshwater Cove, on the western shore of the Outer Harbor, also contains private moorings. The shoreline of the Outer Harbor is dotted with private docks and piers. A - The Inner Harbor is the heart of Gloucester's commercial Fishing Fleet. Numerous docks and wharves serving the fishing industry line the shore of the harbor. A mooring and anchorage area is located in the center of the harbor in front of the State Fish Pier. T
- Smith Cove is used by both commercial and recreational boats for
mooring and C
- The Annisquam River is a heavily traveled waterway connecting
Gloucester Harbor H - Lobster Cove is located inside the Ipswich Bay entrance of the Annisquam River and contains an extensive mooring area, the Annisquam Yacht Club, Lobster Cove Market and Marina and many smaller private docks.
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