The North Shore Waterfront Crime Watch program was created for the purpose of improving and
sustaining the level of recreational enjoyment and quality of life for the waterfront areas in the
North Shore. This informational guide will assist Harbormasters and their staff in working with
concerned citizens of their community, including: Registered Boaters; Waterfront Residents;
Waterfront Businesses; and Citizens Utilizing Recreational Beaches and Property to properly
recognize and report criminal behavior and suspicious activity.
By working together to implement this unique crime prevention program, individuals can actively
support the concept of neighborhood crime watch. This proactive crime prevention approach
supports the theory of community policing that each of the law enforcement agencies working on
this project so strongly believes in.
North Shore Waterfront Crime Watch is an excellent method of deterring crime in your area.
Don't hesitate to become involved in this successful community crime prevention program.
Massachusetts Neighborhood Crime Watch Commission
MNCWC was established by Governor William F. Weld on October 13, 1992. Executive Order #394 created the Commission to serve as a link between local community crime watch groups and the executive branch of state government. The involvement of government officials and agencies, civic and community organizations, businesses and business organizations and neighborhood and social groups is
essential. The following information will illustrate how the MNCWC can coordinate and assist all groups on a statewide level.
What Does the Commission Do?
Advise the Governor on the development and support of local and statewide crime watch groups and programs.
Coordinate special crime prevention projects for the elderly and citizens residing in public housing developments.
Provide citizens and law enforcement officials with the most current crime prevention ideas and assist with the means to implement strategies and projects.
Host regional meetings to encourage networking between civilians and law enforcement to support community policing concepts.
Initiate collaborative efforts among residents and public officials, to facilitate stronger community crime prevention activities.
Monitor and report the number of active neighborhood crime watch groups across the state.
Distribute MNCWC's quarterly publication "Crime Watch" for informational exchange purposes.
Coordinate statewide special crime watch projects and events to encourage citizen participation.
Heighten the awareness of pro-active crime prevention strategies and provide resources to interested citizens.
For more information call 1-888-80-WATCH
Community PLANS
Community PLANS' goal is to reduce the incidence of substance abuse and its attendant problems across a twelve community area by identifying and responding to the needs of each community, as well as the region as a whole.
Community PLANS is pleased to be the cosponsor of the Waterfront Crime Watch program. The ten waterfront communities involved in the program are an example of these regional prevention efforts. The Waterfront Crime Watch program will be able to
be replicated in other areas of Massachusetts and perhaps even across the United States.
Community PLANS salutes the innovative and collaborative efforts that have made your coalition the First regional group to accomplish this goal.
Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime
Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime is an independent, non-profit organization which provides a
free, confidential 800 number for reporting crime. It was founded in 1989 by the City of Gloucester, as a project of the Mayor's Drug Task Force. Initially the crime tip line was administered by NUVA. Inc. Since July of 1995, Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime has been a project of Health and Education Services. Inc.
The concept of the tip line is simple, yet. effective. When a caller dials the 1-800-660-DIME number, they are greeted with instructions on how to properly report the information they would like forwarded to the police. The crime tip is left on an answering machine, which is checked daily. Once the call is documented, a staff person will forward a copy of the call to both the applicable police department and the Cape Ann Regional Drug Strike Force. When calls involve children at risk, a copy is also sent to the Department of Social Services. It is important to note that the Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime program has never breached caller confidentially.
Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime initially served the Cape Ann area, and worked with Drop-A-Dime projects in Boston and Salem. The organization now receives calls from a broad area north of Boston, providing service to 14 communities during 1996. The Cape Ann Drop-A-Dime tip line has provided the public with a risk-free method of practicing proactive crime prevention strategies.
United States Coast Guard
The U.S. Coast Guard is the primary federal agency with maritime authority for the United States. The Coast Guard's main mission is maritime law enforcement, maritime safety, environmental protection, and national security. Our boating safety, search and rescue, and law enforcement programs help reduce loss of
life, personal injury, property damage and suppress violations of U.S. Law.
To contact your local U.S. Coast Guard station, call 1-978-283-0705 or *CG on your cellular phone. In the event of an emergency, please have the following information available:
*Nature of distress or emergency*
*Description* *Number of people on board*
When filing a report, include information describing the suspected activity and location
The U.S. Coast Guard station in Gloucester conducts tours. The station has information available on boating safety and operator courses conducted by the Auxiliary Coast Guard. For more information call
(978) 283-0705 or visit the U.S. Coast Guard station in Gloucester at 17 Harbor Loop.
Massachusetts State Police - Marine Section
The Marine Section is the maritime arm of the Massachusetts State Police. The Marine Section headquarters is located at the Charles River Dam and Gridley Locks at the entrance of the Boston Harbor. It is the responsibility of the this section of the State Police to patrol over 1,500 miles of coastal waters.
The area covers from the New Hampshire to Rhode Island borders and to a distance of three nautical miles east.
The function of the State Police, Marine Section is to enforce safe boating laws, assist the United States Coast Guard and the local municipalities with search and rescue missions and to oversee special events requiring a marine patrol presence.
In addition, the Marine Section offers underwater recovery services through the auspices of the State Police Underwater Recovery Unit, which operates in conjunction with personnel of the Marine Section. For State Police Marine Section services call, (617) 727-0537, Cellular Phone -*SP or via Marine VHF
Radio - Channel 16
Massachusetts Environmental Police
The Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) is the Commonwealth's boating law authority. The MEP enforces marine safety laws, investigates recreational boating casualties and marine theft cases, provides boating safety education and is responsible for the registration and titling of motorboats.
Environmental Police Officers patrol 1,500 miles of coastal waters, 978 lakes and ponds, four major river systems, enforcing compliance with state boating laws. In addition to marine safety enforcement, officers ensure that laws are observed governing recreational and commercial fishing, wildlife and wetland
protection, hazardous and solid waste pollution and the safety of hunters and off-road recreational vehicle users. Working to achieve the goals of environmental protection, resource conservation, and the safety of the public, the Massachusetts Environmental Police will assist with the preservation of our precious natural heritage for people today and for future generations to come.
The guidelines provided will assist citizens to appropriately document valuable details
of witnessed criminal or suspicious activity. When the observed activity is documented and pertinent details are forwarded to the appropriate law
enforcement agency, the police have a greater chance of apprehending the suspect or suspects.
Describing a Boat
Registration number
Boat name
Hailing port
Number of people on board
Number of motors
Type of motor
Unique characteristics |
Describing a Suspect
Clothing color
Hair Color
Unique characteristics |
Describing a Vehicle
License plate number
Unique characteristics |

Boat Safe
Boat Sober